Sunday, August 9, 2009

Progress report

I am now 3/4 of the way done with the 100 Book Challenge. I only read seven books in June and eight in May, which is definitely off my pace, but this has been SUCH a busy summer!

I have also finished the Suspense and Thriller Challenge. So I have finished two of my four challenges. I am still way behind on the World Citizen Challenge. I think that the all of the heaviness I feel about what is happening to our country is making it hard for me to read about world affairs. I am enjoying my reading as an escape. I need to work on it, though.

I read my first re-read book this year. I just finished the first Harry Potter book for the third time. I needed something easy this week and didn't have anything from the library that fit the bill. I've been wanting to work my way back through the series before the movie version of #7 comes out next year, so now seemed like a good time to start.

I'm still loving Georgette Heyer. The Grand Sophy is one of my favorites so far. I have a big pile from the library, but I picked up a book at B&N today on our way to the movie theater and started reading it while we waited. The Red Leather Diary by Lily Koppel sucked me right in, so I'll be finishing it before I get to the library books, unles something changes..

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